Label The Structures Of A Nephron In The Figure.

Label the structures of a nephron in the figure. – In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricate world of nephrons, the functional units of the kidneys responsible for filtering blood and producing urine. Join us as we embark on a journey to identify and understand the essential structures of a nephron, exploring their vital roles in maintaining fluid balance, electrolyte homeostasis, and overall health.

Our exploration begins with the renal corpuscle, where the initial filtration of blood occurs. We will unravel the functions of the Bowman’s capsule and glomerulus, highlighting their significance in the formation of filtrate. Moving on, we will traverse the proximal convoluted tubule, examining the remarkable reabsorption processes that take place, including the active transport of glucose and amino acids.

Renal Corpuscle: Label The Structures Of A Nephron In The Figure.

Label the structures of a nephron in the figure.

The renal corpuscle is the functional unit of the kidney, responsible for filtering blood and producing urine. It consists of the Bowman’s capsule and the glomerulus.

Bowman’s Capsule

  • Surrounds the glomerulus and forms the first part of the nephron.
  • Consists of two layers: visceral (in contact with the glomerulus) and parietal.
  • The visceral layer contains podocytes, cells with foot processes that interdigitate with the glomerular capillaries, creating filtration slits.


  • A network of capillaries located within the Bowman’s capsule.
  • Blood pressure forces fluid and small molecules from the capillaries into the Bowman’s capsule, a process called glomerular filtration.
  • The glomerular filtrate contains water, ions, glucose, amino acids, and waste products.

Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)

The PCT is the first part of the renal tubule and is responsible for reabsorbing most of the water, ions, and nutrients from the glomerular filtrate.

Reabsorption Process

  • Active transport: Uses energy to pump ions and nutrients against a concentration gradient.
  • Passive transport: Molecules move down their concentration gradient.
  • Endocytosis: Large molecules are taken up into the cell by engulfment.

Active Transport of Glucose and Amino Acids

  • Sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT): Transports glucose and sodium ions together into the cell.
  • Sodium-amino acid cotransporter (SNAT): Transports amino acids and sodium ions together into the cell.

Role of the Brush Border

  • Microvilli lining the PCT increase the surface area for reabsorption.
  • Contains enzymes that break down nutrients for easier reabsorption.

Loop of Henle

Label the structures of a nephron in the figure.

The loop of Henle is a U-shaped structure that plays a crucial role in urine concentration.

Descending and Ascending Limbs

  • Descending limb: Permeable to water, impermeable to ions.
  • Ascending limb: Impermeable to water, active transport of ions.

Countercurrent Multiplier System

  • As fluid flows through the descending limb, water moves out, increasing the concentration of ions.
  • As fluid flows through the ascending limb, ions are actively transported out, further increasing the concentration in the descending limb.
  • This creates a concentration gradient that drives water reabsorption in the collecting duct.

Importance in Urine Concentration

  • The loop of Henle establishes a concentration gradient in the medulla.
  • This gradient allows the collecting duct to reabsorb water and produce concentrated urine.

Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)

Label the structures of a nephron in the figure.

The DCT is responsible for further reabsorption of ions and regulation of blood pressure.

Reabsorption of Sodium and Chloride Ions

  • Thiazide-sensitive cotransporter (TSC): Transports sodium and chloride ions together into the cell.
  • Mineralocorticoid-sensitive channel (ENaC): Located in the principal cells, regulated by aldosterone, transports sodium ions into the cell.

Role of Aldosterone

  • Stimulates the insertion of ENaC channels into the cell membrane.
  • Increases sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion.

Regulation of Blood Pressure, Label the structures of a nephron in the figure.

  • The DCT plays a role in regulating blood pressure by controlling the amount of sodium reabsorbed.
  • Increased sodium reabsorption leads to increased blood volume and blood pressure.

Collecting Duct

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The collecting duct collects urine from the nephrons and is responsible for regulating its final composition.

Role in Water Reabsorption

  • Permeable to water when antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is present.
  • ADH stimulates the insertion of aquaporin channels into the cell membrane, allowing water to move from the collecting duct into the medulla.

Effect of Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)

  • Increases water reabsorption, leading to concentrated urine.
  • In the absence of ADH, the collecting duct is impermeable to water, resulting in dilute urine.

Regulation of Urine Volume and Osmolality

  • The collecting duct regulates the final volume and osmolality of urine.
  • ADH levels determine the amount of water reabsorbed, affecting urine volume.
  • The loop of Henle establishes a concentration gradient that drives water reabsorption, affecting urine osmolality.

Essential FAQs

What is the primary function of the nephron?

The nephron is responsible for filtering blood, reabsorbing essential substances, and eliminating waste products through urine formation.

Where does the initial filtration of blood occur in the nephron?

The initial filtration of blood occurs in the renal corpuscle, specifically within the glomerulus, where blood is forced through tiny capillaries into the Bowman’s capsule.

What is the role of the loop of Henle in urine concentration?

The loop of Henle plays a crucial role in urine concentration through the countercurrent multiplier system, which establishes a gradient of increasing osmolarity, allowing for the reabsorption of water and the concentration of urine.